I thought I would share with you what has been selling in my booth. I love finding things for my customers when I'm out and about thrifting and junkin'. Sometimes I have to touch some items up with a little paint. Sometimes they are perfect just as they are. The little boxes above are some that I painted the ever popular turquoise. That color seems to be the 'in' color now.
The next picture is a box that I decided to paint 'pink'. Gotta have a little pink. :) Owls are very popular right now too. Anytime I see them, I snatch them up. They don't hang around very long in my booth.
Like these cute little salt 'n pepper shakers. I sold two sets in the first week. Wish I could find some more!
I made the chalkboard out of an old frame and painted the back with chalkboard paint. I change the message from time to time...until it sells.
I found this cute little owl key holder on one of my thriftin' trips the other day. His wings are made of copper. He probably will be grabbed up soon.

This little owl started out a dull brown color until I got a hold of him and painted him white. He only sat on the shelf a couple of days and he was taken to his new home. :) With the help of my daughter. She sold him for me.

I'm going today to re-fresh my booth a little bit and take a few more finds. Seems like when I'm not working my 'real' job, I'm still working. lol It's fun and it's good for me too.
Hope you have a blessed day!